You’re Pulling My Leg Jr – Blog Tour & Review @morningstargame #yourepullingmyleg #cargames #gamebook #playmorningstar #game

Synopsis Provided by PR by the Book LLC:

Tell me about a talent you wish you had. What about a time when you wanted something you couldn’t have? Tell me about an animal you would be if you could.

It’s a game, inside a book, and it’s how we play in the time of Covid!

Based on the original board games, You’re Pulling My Leg! and You’re Pulling My Leg! Junior are new books from award-winning game creator Allen Wolf that make it possible to play with friends in these times of social distancing. In person, with family or friends, or over video chat, You’re Pulling

My Leg! lets you test your bluffing skills with completely new questions that range from thought-provoking to zany.

You’re Pulling My Leg! is a game of hilarious stories—whether they’re true or not is up to the flip of the coin. Players who succeed at fooling their friends win points, while others gain points for correctly guessing if a story is true or false. You’ll be surprised how much you learn about other players or your family in a short amount of time.

About: You’re Pulling My Leg Jr goes hand in hand with You’re Pulling My Leg, was written and created by Allen Wolf. It was released on August 2020 by Morning Star Publishing, 176 pages. The genres are toys & games, humor, family game night, and car games. You’re Pulling My Leg is an idiom meaning You’re Lying to Me. This game is for players from ages 9 to adult and for 2 or more players to play in person or via video call.

My Experience: I signed up to join the virtual launch party to play this game with the author, Allen Wolf, but I couldn’t make it. When I first encountered this game, I thought it sounds super fun and I couldn’t wait to play it with my family. Life just got in the way sometimes and we have yet to play. I will update this section later with my experience with the game. Hopefully we’ll play it this weekend.

The gist of the game: Be the first to score 21 points to win. If playing with more than 8 people, first person to score 31 points to win the game. Each person starts with 7 points. Decide on who will tell a story first among the players. Coin flip where heads the storyteller will tell a true story and tails will tell a lie. The other players will try to guess if the storyteller is telling a true or false story and they could earn up to 3 points or lose up to 3 points if they got it right or wrong.

There are different ways to play this game: play with a timer, play in teams, etc. This book provides question cards to help the storyteller to launch their story. There are a total of 225 prompts. The prompts has interesting topics, such as, tell me about a favorite Disney movie, a chore you did that you didn’t like, or someone you think has a funny laugh. There are wild cards where it gives a player extra points if that person recently saw a play or finished reading a book. On the flip side, the wild cards give the storyteller an opportunity to deduct points from any players up to 3 points. So this game has multiple ways to earn and lose points.

You’re Pulling My Leg Jr has prompts that aim towards what kids do. There are blank pages where players can jot down the highlights of the game that is most memorable. The end of the book also provides the scoring sheets for players to keep their scores.

Details about the Questions:

Tell me about a time when you worried about something.

This question will give you a window into how your kids perceive their world. They might share about a time you knew nothing about, and you can use this as an opportunity to speak into their fears.

Tell me about something you would do if someone paid you a lot of money.

Children usually light up at this question. It’ll help you get a glimpse into their dreams for the future.

Tell me about something you would bring if you moved to another country.

Their answer will give you a window into what they feel like they can’t live without.

Tell me about a time when you acted like one of your parents.

Further Places to Explore:

Games Website:

Twitter: @MorningStarGame

Facebook: @morningstargames

Instagram: @playmorningstargames

Author Website:

Twitter: @theallenwolf

Facebook: @theallenwolf

Instagram: @theallenwolf/

About the Author:

Allen Wolf is an award-winning author, filmmaker, and game creator. His company, Morning Star Games, also publishes Slap Wacky!, JabberJot, and Pet Detectives as well. Allen has won 39 awards for his games, which have been played by hundreds of thousands of people around the world. (Photo obtained from the author’s website and info was provided by PR by the Book LLC).

***Disclaimer: Many thanks to PR by the Book LLC for inviting me to host a blog tour. I appreciate the opportunity to read and review. Please be assured that my opinions are honest.



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